Be careful if you catch her on her hyper days. She will hug you out like a carebear on ecstasy. Her voice is a loud screech coming out of a human. And oh my gosh! That laugh. It even annoys her. It's a head ache and a half. Also, she has a bum on her nose that looks like Mt. Hump. You know what the worst thing is though? The way she talks about herself as is she were talking about someone else. WOW! This girl needs a life.
Friday, September 26, 2008
similies, metaphors, cliches
Marlene is as random as rain in the summer, but beware her angry side. She can be as mean as a as an overprotective mother bear, even though she tries not to be. She has more pride than a gay guy at a gay pride parade dressed as Hanna Montana, as a matter of fact, she is the gay guy at the gay pride parade dressed as Hanna Montana. Where do i begin to to talk about her obsession with Metallica. She's like one of those thirty year old fat dudes that live with their grandma and read comic books for a living.

Be careful if you catch her on her hyper days. She will hug you out like a carebear on ecstasy. Her voice is a loud screech coming out of a human. And oh my gosh! That laugh. It even annoys her. It's a head ache and a half. Also, she has a bum on her nose that looks like Mt. Hump. You know what the worst thing is though? The way she talks about herself as is she were talking about someone else. WOW! This girl needs a life.
Be careful if you catch her on her hyper days. She will hug you out like a carebear on ecstasy. Her voice is a loud screech coming out of a human. And oh my gosh! That laugh. It even annoys her. It's a head ache and a half. Also, she has a bum on her nose that looks like Mt. Hump. You know what the worst thing is though? The way she talks about herself as is she were talking about someone else. WOW! This girl needs a life.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Iliad
So after reading about a thousand different definitions for an epic, my concluding definition would be, a story/poem that was told a long time ago and survived long enough to be written. Also, most of the time it's a heroic story. An epic has many characteristics that make it an epic. For example, many can start in medias res which means it starts in the middle of the the story instead of the beginning. An example of this would be the Iliad, which starts with Chryses praying to Apollo saying, "Son of Atreus and Greek heroes all..." which is on line 24 of the poem. Another characteristic of a typical epic is, it uses patronymics. In other words, it calls the son by his father's name. This is also used in the story the Iliad. A good example of this is when we are introduced to Calchas on line 78 as "Calchas, son of Thestor." One of the things I noticed the story kept doing was quoting long speeches by characters that are important in the story. That seems to last pretty much the whole story. In one part of the story, Achilles was crying to his mother, imploring, coming to her for help. On line 379 he tells her what his problem was in a long detailed speech. "You already know. Why do I have to tell you?" He responds to her when she asks him what was wrong. I didn't really find this story confusing, just that you kind of have to follow along with annotations to really understand what's going on.
The story was about Greek gods and I think that this picture would fit the story because it has Greek gods on the cover and because the woman in the middle sort of reminds me of the part in the story where Achilles' mom is watching over him and then she goes to him and asks him why he's sad. That was also my favorite part because it shows Achilles' soft side and and it proves that even gods can be loving and are able to cry. I found that cute.
The story was about Greek gods and I think that this picture would fit the story because it has Greek gods on the cover and because the woman in the middle sort of reminds me of the part in the story where Achilles' mom is watching over him and then she goes to him and asks him why he's sad. That was also my favorite part because it shows Achilles' soft side and and it proves that even gods can be loving and are able to cry. I found that cute.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Most people have a hero, whether it's Jesus, Slash, Oprah, Tyra Banks, or even Hitler. Whoever it is, we all have our reasons why. However, while we see some of these characters as heroes, others may see them as villains.
Here are some of the reasons why some people, including myself, see batman as a hero. First of all, he saves peoples lives. He's a superhero who dresses up as a bat at night and goes out there and stops the real villains from causing trouble. Also, he sets a really good example, given that he dresses as a bat because it's the one thing he's scared of. In other words, he teaches us to face our fears. Also, he's not just a good hero, he's a good person, for the reason that he's filthy rich, but instead of giving himself the life of glory, he goes out on a rewarding trip to a place where poverty is just a daily issue for everyone there. So when he gets back to all his fortunes Gothem City, he's not just another rich person, he's an actual human being, just with a lot of money. Now those are some reasons why I consider batman my hero. Unfortunatly, there are still some people who view him as a villain.
I don't understand how some people can say that batman is a bad person, but I guess everybody has their reasons. Some people may say that he's a bad character seeing as in his latest film, he had the blood of a lot of people in his hands. See he was being persuaded. Some psycho was telling him that he was going to kill someone every day if he didn't reveal himself .As days went on, people died and batman couldn't do anything about it. If he revealed himself, it would be the end of batman, but if he didn't people would keep dying because of him. Also, there are other people, such as my mom, who see him as a villain because he seems to always turn to violence, and apperantly, violence is not the answer. In the end, he ends up personally killing the mayor of Gotham. In his defense, he had to. If he hadn't killed the mayor, who was going through a tough period in his life since his future wife had just died and he thought he could blame it on batman, the mayor would have killed a close friend of batman's son. So there are some reasons why some individuals may consider batman a villain.
In conclusion, there will always be someone who agrees that your hero is the best. There will also be some that don't think your hero is the best. In the end, you just have to look at the facts and figure out who the real hero is. Well, the bottom line is, batman is the best. Enough said.
also heres a little quote from the movie " The Dark Knight":
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to watch yourself turn into the villain.
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