Friday, October 31, 2008
gates of fire book 2
Chapter 8
pg. 67
"This is why I had come to Sparta in the first place, to witness the training close up and to endure as much of it as Lakedaemonians would permit."
It's weird how first he talks about how he was "captured" at the age of twelve and brought to Sparta and he even saw that as "saving his life." Now he's saying that he wants to "continue in Alexandros' services" and become his squire just so he can be around and witness the training. I had always heard of how Sparta was so great, what, with them having the best army in the world and all, but never thought of it as so great that there were men serving other men so that they would have the chance to be near by when the man he was serving, which was most likely, to him, of a higher rank, he would get to see Spartan armies train. It makes me want to personally what training was like for the Spartans. The author really just brings out the fact that Spartan soldiers were really just great.
Book 2
Chapter 8
pg. 75
"' Who the fuck told you you had the right to see'....Did Alexandros think that in combat he would be allowed to pause to wipe his face?"
This was such a shocking and breathtaking line to read. At first I thought to myself "wow! These people are so strict, maybe too strict," but not that I think about it, I realize why they were known so well as the most powerful and the strongest of men when it came to fighting in combat. It was all the extreme strictness of the training that made them the strong undefeatable army that they were. I couldn’t think of any reason why Alexandros was being yelled at by the Polynikes because of something as simple as wiping his face, until I read the second part. It really got me thinking, and I realized he was right. When they were to be on the battlefield he would not get the chance to pause so that he could simply wipe blood from his face. For those reasons Sparta had the strongest army. They were quick, smart, and ready for anything, and most of all, fighting was their priority.
Monday, October 27, 2008
gates of fire
“…Though I hesitated to use the word “slave” because my father was more in Brixies’ power than the other way round.”
After reading this I’m not so sure how it was they set up the ranking back in those days. This passage talks a lot about how Brixies was known as a person who “knew everything.” If he was as great as they say, then even though he may not have been born in a family with money, couldn’t he have reached a higher rank himself? It’s like a race issue. He didn’t choose to be born under such circumstances, it just happened, and no matter how great he was he was still going to be a slave. It’s very similar to issues brought up even in later centuries. To this day people are being discriminated against for something they can’t help.
“Numb reunions were held alongside or in copses, and news was traded of the dead and the soon to be dead.”
This passage really just sent a chill down my spine. It was really deep and the words just struck me. It really just makes me wonder how they felt during that time. It just seems like to me that because of how common deaths were in those days people weren’t affected that much by it. The picture painted by the author in this chapter sort of reminds me of a scene in a book I read called “Because of Romek” which was set during World War II. There was a chapter where he walks out of his refuge spot and everywhere he turns he sees a dead body or parts and blood spread al over his surroundings.
“They say that ghosts sometimes, those that cannot let go if their bond to the living, linger and haunt the scenes of their days under the sun, hovering like substance less birds of carrion, refusing Hades’ command to retire beneath the earth”
I think that the main thing that got my attention about this was the superstitions that they had even then. I think the author was just trying to add a little bit of history. Letting is know a little bit more about the people and their beliefs. I knew that myths like that have been around for so long and it just makes me think about how much more believable those stories might have been in those days then now a days. Mainly because of other things they believed such as their gods and goddesses. It also makes me wonder if they really truly believed in this stuff, and what they believed happened to us after death.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
2008 Presidential Election
Here is one example. John McCain is one of the presidential candidates for the election of 2008. Here you will find that Mr. John McCain is a faithful Christan. It even says that 72% of Americans believe that it's important for the president to have strong religious beliefs. Of course I believe that this would only be truly convenient for people of the same religion. Although we have the freedom of religion, the president could still pass a law that said we couldn't do something our religion required us to do, or it could also be the other way around. There are many different things that we have to look at and consider when were choosing a president.
On the other hand there is Barack Obama. He also calls himself a Christan. The difference here is that, in my opinion, his faith doesn't seem to be as strong as McCain's, but I think it's mainly just because McCain went through a very memorable experience, as shown on the previous link, that made his faith stand out and very strong. Obama seems to be a great man with a loving heart, but for some Christians that may not be enough. I don't know what other people may think about this topic but these are my opinions. Some Christians may think that it's better if they vote for someone who shares the beliefs as them. In the end, this is my point of view, and i think it plays a big role with politics.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Person/picture I like

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Code: The Secret Life of Bees
The story line was off, but I got a few things right. Also Jasmine told me about Lily killing her mother so knew that before i read it.
2) I knew that she had killed her mother, but I didn't think she did it on purpose. I knew she couldn't have gotten a gun and killed her mom, especially because of the way she talked about her mom. So it was pretty obvious that there was an explanation behind that. Although my explanation wasn't very accurate, i knew it wasn't her intention to kill her mom.
3) At first when i saw the cover and read the title " The Secret Life of Bees" i thought the book was going to be about bees. Maybe something like the movie "Bee Movie."
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My crazy cousins and I are going to hang out this weekend. I'm so stoked! We're going to go watch the movie "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist." When we're done, were most-likely going to go to Starbucks and slurp as much sugar possible. Of course shopping will be involved! We'll go from Abercrombie, Aeropostal, American Eagle, Anchor Blue, to Hollister, Hot Topic, and Hot Dog on a Stick. The thing I love most about going out is the malls view of the city at night. The big buildings with it's calming cool breeze. All that's happening on Saturday though. I can't wait.
Sunday's going to be the sad day in all of this. My Chuchil's going to leave me. What a depressing day that'll be for me. Her kicking me im my sleep. Her putting me down for everything I do. She messes like that with the people she loves. So when ever she tells me im fat, or that she hates me, I know that she's really telling me that I'm beautiful and that she loves me. I'm going to miss her until the next time we see eachother. Sadly that'll be a while. Although we done see eachother much, we keep in touch and talk every day. She sells seashells by the seashore. :)