Friday, September 26, 2008

similies, metaphors, cliches

Marlene is as random as rain in the summer, but beware her angry side. She can be as mean as a as an overprotective mother bear, even though she tries not to be. She has more pride than a gay guy at a gay pride parade dressed as Hanna Montana, as a matter of fact, she is the gay guy at the gay pride parade dressed as Hanna Montana. Where do i begin to to talk about her obsession with Metallica. She's like one of those thirty year old fat dudes that live with their grandma and read comic books for a living.

wierd girl with a wig

Be careful if you catch her on her hyper days. She will hug you out like a carebear on ecstasy. Her voice is a loud screech coming out of a human. And oh my gosh! That laugh. It even annoys her. It's a head ache and a half. Also, she has a bum on her nose that looks like Mt. Hump. You know what the worst thing is though? The way she talks about herself as is she were talking about someone else. WOW! This girl needs a life.



Ms. Charlotte said...

Loved the hannah montana comment and hey! You look good in both pictures. No fair!

Ms. Charlotte said...

I know I already commented, but man, that first picture cracks me up.