Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We're supposed to have nine lives, right? In a better world we wouldn't have any at all. Who wants to live if were not free? We're all locked inside the human households trapped and forced to live with people that are always calling me a pussy and and giving away my children. In my four years I've had seven lovers. My first man's name was Paolo (his owner was Italian). He was so passionate and loving, but as soon as I told him I was pregnant he ran off just like my mother told me he would. "All cats are the same," she always used to say. When I had my babies they were beautiful, but my owner took them away as soon as they could open their eyes. I don't even know where they are right now. Every night I think about my poor little babies, and I have to deal with the fact that they're all going through the same pain that I am going through right now. I just wish I could have their weak little bodies next to me. That's the only way I ever think of them when I think of my children. They're in their baby forms in my head, because that's the only way I ever saw them. They were taken away from me and I never got to see them grow up.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

I really enjoyed this story because even though they were just cats, you gave them a story and acted as if they were people. Like the mom was depressed because she had gotten her kitty's taken away when they were barely born. and she is left wondering how they are? and what they look like.