Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ecological intelligence


When you have ecological intelligence, you know what is wrong and right for the environment and you are informed about what you should and shouldn't do to help the earth. It also means that we not only understand why were doing what we do to live sustainably but what will happen if we don't live like that. It relates to our essential question because we could live more sustainably if we had ecological intelligence. We would not be able to use the excuse that we don't know how to be sustainably anymore because we would all have ecological intelligence. I don't really think that I'm very ecologically intelligent, for example, I didn't know that even though a shirt could be made of cotton, it still effected the environment because of all the water it uses to be created. Here is a website that will show what ecological intelligence is and that includes some shocking information about why it is that the way were living is wrong.

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