Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Free Write

My palms are sweaty, even though it is winter and it's about 40 degrees out here. The only thing I can think about is those kids. I can't imagine what they are both going through right now without their parents. They're so young and neither of them know where mommy and daddy went. The lights of the down town buildings glisten in the cold winter night. Any other night I would have had a huge amount of joy in me with the goosebumps in my arms, but tonight I can't imagine how anyone could feel the least amount of joy. So many different cold-hearted stories being told around us making us all wish this moment wasn't happening, not that we weren't already wishing that before. There is a woman sitting on the floor next to the building with a desperate look on her face. Her hair looks like a bird's nest and she lookes as if she hasn't slept for days. Her clothes are dirty and her sobbing broke all of our hearts. If we only knew her story, maybe someone could help her. But she isn't the only one going through something painful right now. We wre all there for a reason. A depressing reason in which only a few of us could keep the tears from running down our faces.

1 comment:

James A. said...

I loved the way you started off your write. The contrast of going from sweaty palms, to winter and 40 degrees was really great.