Friday, October 10, 2008

Person/picture I like

Chase Deen Martin. That's his name. In my opinion, he's one of the greatest people in the world. He's the greatest friend I have ever had, and he always seems to know how to put a smile on my face. This picture was taken on a hunting trip he went on. He knows I hate people killing animals, so obviously, he dedicated that picture to me. He loves out doors and pretty much anything that has to do with nature. He constantly goes out camping and sadly, hunting. One if the thing i most admire about him is the way he sees life. He's not the type of person to live the same day twice. I think that that really shows in this picture, because he's doing what he loves and just living his life the way he does day to day. This isn't my favorite picture of him but I really like it. His perspective about life shows in this picture. And that's what I love about him the most.

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